But the more I look, the more confused and upset I am. I'm constantly plagued with fears about Connor. Why isn't he walking, why isn't he saying more words, why is he screaming constantly? I worry nonstop. I worry about the things he picks up in the house, I worry about him watching too much television, I worry about everything.
Then when I finally sit down and really think about it, I have this split second of sanity where I realize there's no way an article on the internet (or 20) is going to define my son. If he does have a problem, there's no point in worrying about it. I can't change it and it wouldn't make me love him any less.
As mothers, we compare ourselves to one another far too much. More than that, we judge each other in a terrible way. Whether it's comparing how old a child does what, whether the mother breastfeeds or formula feeds, whether she had a vaginal birth or a c-section, or if she used an epidural or no pain medicine.
The fact is, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if a mother sleeps in the bed with her child or if her child sleeps in a crib. It doesn't matter if the crib is inside or outside the room. None of this matters.
None of this matters because it's no one's business except for that mother's. Just as you love your child and want the best care for him/her, so does that mother.
That mother loves her baby more than she loves herself. That mother wants a happy baby and a healthy baby just as much as you do.
That mother wants her child to grow up to be amazing and extraordinary, just like you do.
So just stop.
We've got to stop criticizing one another. It's not sharpening our parenting skills and we're not going to change each other's minds.
We're only going to reinforce that doubt that we all have anyway.
Here's a secret:
None of us think we are doing it right.
Every single one of us is sure that we're screwing our child up in some way.
We all have at least one thought a day that our child is not where he/she needs to be.
Why do we make this harder on each other?
We all have one thing in common and that's the fact that we are all scared to death.
So just stop. Stop being so MEAN to one another. If a mother makes a decision you wouldn't, try thinking about WHY.
Try putting yourself in her shoes for just a minute, just 60 seconds.
I can guarantee that if you just THINK about it, you will see all different scenarios as to what that mother has been going through.
We're all just trying to do this right, and at the end of the day, we all just want to throw our hands in the air and give up.
Or maybe we want to throw our hands in the air and scream, "Thank you, God for letting me make it out alive today!"
...or maybe we are finally getting that one good night where we drag our bodies into bed and fall into the most satisfying sleep...
HA! Just kidding, that's never going to happen again.
Love it, enjoy it and do your absolute best to build another woman up.
You'll need it too one day.