I like to think that the reason he has gone almost an entire year without getting sick is because I have all powerful breast milk, full of antioxidants and anti-sick germs. Whatever the reason, it all came to an end Tuesday afternoon.
Tuesday began like every other morning. C woke up in a great mood, rambling and tapping me on the face. We got up, he played, I did laundry. Then when Josh got home that evening, I was hugging C up next to me and felt that he was warm. OK so I'm not the "natural mother" who can feel when her child has a fever. I'm more of the "wing it" type.
Anyway, the kid's head was hot.
He had a 100 fever, so I did what most mothers do: I Facebook-d it so I didn't have to make phone call after phone call to our thousand relatives.
As the night and Connor's Tylenol intake progressed, so did his fever. I called the answering service at the doctor's office and was told to try giving him Ibuprofen. So Mom watched Connor while Josh and I loaded up in the mini. We get back, I take Connor's temp and it's 104 under his arm.
I'm freaking out.
Mom said to put him in a cool bath. After arguing with my husband (who insists on taking C to the hospital), I get Connor stripped down and into the bath. The fever went down (yay Mom!)
We made it through that night with no sleep and moderate fever, went to the doctor the next day, found out it was a virus and continued to stay up all night with a screaming baby for the next three nights.
Last night was the first time since LAST WEEK that C slept without waking up screaming.
...here is where my husband and I have got to be the worst parents ever.
For a week or so, C has been waking up in the middle of the night screaming. This whole time we thought it was his teeth, but no. It was the multiple blisters that had accumulated on the roof of his mouth and the back of his throat. Big. White. Blisters.
These last few days have been awful. They have been full of screaming and empty of sleep.
But we made it.
I didn't think I would. I didn't know how I would. How could I get through another day with no sleep? How could I get through another hour of not putting this child down unless I wanted to him to scream? How could I deal with my child being so sick and feverish and looking so pitiful?
I just did.
I got through it just like I got through the three months of colic.
So I to thinking. Is this life? Is this what we do on a daily basis and never really think about it? You know, like horrible stuff happens and we just deal with it. We just get through it.
Those awful days come and we have heartbreaks and mistakes and we have nothing to do except for make it through.
And then we're surprised when we do make it.
Am I late on this epiphany? Probably.
I'm late for everything.
Which reminds me that I think I may be late for my period.
Oh no.
No, no no.
99.9 percent better be spot on Paraguard. That's a threat.

You made it through, Mama! Glad your little guy is feeling better. As for worrying about your epiphany coming late (I can't speak for the other thing being late!) I think my oldest was 2 before I realized that. You're doing great!
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