
Saturday, March 14, 2015

To my person

The last time we will see each other has come and gone, and you're on your way home now. I'm still here packing and cleaning, and even though I've stopped crying (for now), I know there are more tears to come.

See you aren't just my best friend, you are my person. I know people think we are just Grey's fanatics, but that's not it. When I heard about "the person," I knew it was you. I knew it was you because I could see one of us cutting a wedding dress off the other, and I remembered talks about our own McDreamy's.

When we first met at K-Mart, it wasn't anything extraordinary. I didn't think that you would be my person. I didn't think that you would be the person I called and told my worst secrets to. I didn't think that you would be the one I called when I didn't want to talk to anyone else.

But you were. You are.

Our dry personalities worked together, and we both love naps. We have each cried to each other over boys who didn't deserve our tears.

"Look, if you need me I'm here, but I can't keep listening to you when you just keep going back over and over. When you leave him, I'll be here but until then..." That's what you said to me in a text message one night. I was at work and you sent that.

I cut all ties with him shortly after.

You're my person.

I told you I was pregnant and you knew everything about it. You knew my choices, my thoughts and ultimately my decision. Then when I miscarried, it was you who came over with chocolate chip cookie dough and the movie "Bridesmaids."

You were so mad at me the day before my wedding because you said I was driving crazy and because we were late. The next day, you went with me to get ready and to make sure I was on time to the ceremony. You curled your hair so much that day that I'm surprised it didn't burn off, but the curls wouldn't stay.

You were there when I found out I was pregnant with Connor. You said you weren't coming to the hospital, that you would wait until we got home so you could spend more time with us.

But you came that night.

When the darkness fell over me and I couldn't figure my way out, you were there. It was you who knew I needed sleep.

You kept saying, "I knew I should have come last night."

It didn't matter because the damage was done, but you helped bandage me up.

We have prayed together.

We have drank together.

Now we're here. My life has started and yours is about to.

I know our dreams are different, but ultimately we want the same thing--to be happy.

So here's what I expect from you:

1) You're going to graduate, so stop worrying about it. Start applying for jobs, but don't freak out if you can't find one. You will.

2) Don't settle for anything mediocre. It doesn't matter if it's love, a career, friendships, whatever. If it doesn't take your breath away and consume your mind, body and heart, then move on.

3) Come see me in the summer so I can show you how perfect my life is, but tell you about the shadows when no one is around.

4) Stay JUST A LITTLE dark and twisty, because I can't do it on my own.

You're my person. You're the person I would call if I murdered someone and needed help dragging the corpse across the floor.

You're the person I would call when I am ready to jump.

You will always be that person.

We'll see each other again later than we hope, but sooner than we think. It will be OK.

I love you.

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